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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Husbands and Wives as God's Created Partners

Pastor Joseph Prince is also teaching about a man and a woman as God created them and their meaning in Hebrew. Very interesting. Very revealing. Very powerful. However, TBN calls them 2006 Classics.

 Marriage is a sacrifice to one another as well. Our house, our property, our children, etc.

 Ephesians 5:22-33
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
(Ephesians 5:22-33 ESV)

 Since we are in the fallen world, submission of this world may mean something very different from what God intended. Ebiseera bingi Abaami bagamba, "mbu Omukazi tampulira" What do they mean? Is it what God intended? Obufumbo bungi ennaku zino bufuuse bwa nfunamu ki! Nze nfunira wa? Oluusi owulira Abakyal nga bagamba nti, "Omusajja simusobola!!!" Mu ngeri ki? How does sexual gratification differ from sexual lust or orgies? Deep questions that need careful pondering so as to have a fulfilling marriage. Marriage is not an experiment. it is a full commitment. Without God, without Jesus, without the Holy Spirit in the marriage, there is FIRE only. It is in demonstrated in Hebrew and it is true.

 Man and woman as a couple in marriage means power. Not imbalanced power though, but equal yet different power.

Prayer for God to Prop Us Up On Leaning Side

It is my prayer that God props me up on my leaning side. Just heard it from Pastor Jentezen Franklin as he preached that someone in his church always ended prayed with that. The man lived out in the country and one time saw his old barn leaning after weathering so many storms, hurricanes, winds, heat, you name it. So he propped it up.

It is my prayer that God may prop you up on your leaning side.

 Once we have weathered many storms, many winds, many hurricanes, heat, and floods in our lives, we become so worn down emotionally, mentally, socially, physically, financially and spiritually. We may think of even quitting! We may even think of abandoning our Loving and Gracious God! We may start leaning back towards sin yet not even see it yet others may see it. We may start leaning back in secret towards sin and in private behind closed doors especially in our homes! Our prayer should be to ask God to prop us up on our leaning side.

 We may lean towards sexual sin, towards anger, towards stealing, towards cheating, towards hate, towards selfishness, towards untruthfulness, towards deceiving others, towards infidelity, towards losing faith and hope in God, towards apostasy, falling away from God, and so many others. Our prayer should be always to ask God to prop us up on our leaning side. We all have a leaning side. If its not in one then the other at any given time.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Caring for the Poor is Government's Biblical Role - Jim Wallis | God's Politics Blog | Sojourners

Caring for the Poor is Government's Biblical Role - Jim Wallis | God's Politics Blog | Sojourners

Therefore we should have no homeless people anywhere in the world, especially in these "so called developed countries". Are they really developed wholistic? Pyhsically, socially, culturally, politically, mentally, emotionally, financially, economically and spiritually? Or are they wanting in some or other?

 On the other hand, I heard Rev. Billy Graham, great Evangelist when he was in MA in 1982, say that a pastor of a certain church told him that if everybody tithed, gave a tenth of all their income, and perhaps harvest, that they would have $10, 000,000. So Billy Graham asked him when he would invite him to preach for a day and get some of that collection. Laughter was heard as I laughed myself. It is also true that if all of us return to God what he gives of us as He commands us in Malacki 3:6-10, 11-15, we would not have so many poor in our communities and churches. So have we skewed God's principles? Are we so much more into giving places and recognition to those whom we perceive to be greater than others? To those who give more than others, irrespective of how they gotten that money? Are these many male led churches recognising these many poor, marginalised, disadvantaged and hurting women who come to these churches? These women who make up 85% of their congregations? By the way, who props up these churches?

 Big question: Why aren't many men going to these Churches? Is it because of the leaning messages? Is it because of the half Gospel preached and practised in these Churches? Is it because of power and authority issues in these Churches?

So what is the secret of those Churches where there are as many men as women? What attracts them? What keeps them there?

Rev. Jessica Nakawombe

What is the deep, beyond the surface problem where there are few men and may women? is it because women are so tolerant? Is it because they don't have elsewhere to go?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Olusozi Lukwago lw’ayolekedde okuddiza Mmengo ebintu byayo

Olusozi Lukwago lw’ayolekedde okuddiza Mmengo ebintu byayo

Olusozi Lukwago lw’ayolekedde okuddiza Mmengo ebintu byayo
Akatale k’e Kibuye, akamu ku obwo Lukwago bw’ayagala okuddiza Mmengo.

LOODI meeya wa Kampala, Erias Lukwago awandiikidde katikkiro wa Buganda J.B Walusimbi n’amuwa olukalala lw’ebintu bya Gavumenti ya wakati ebitudde ku ttaka lya Mmengo n’agamba nti ayagala kubimukwasa bidde mu mikono gye .
Yategeezezza nti Gavumenti emaze emyaka mingi ng’ekozesa ebintu bino awatali kusasula nnannyini ttaka (Mmengo) n’agamba nti ye ng’omusajja Omuganda agenda kubikwasa Katikkiro obutasukka mwaka guno.
Loodi meeya mu bintu bye yatadde ku lukalala mulimu obutale, amasomero, amayumba agapangisibwa, amalwaliro n’ebitebe by’amagombolola.
Aka Wangegeya akazimbibwa kati , Nakulabye ,Bakuli, Kibuye ne Mengo nga bwonna KCCA yabweddiza mu 1969 era ebbanga lyonna Gavumenti (KCCA) ebadde ebukozesa nga tesasula Mmengo wadde ennusu.
Ggombolola ya Makindye ne Kawempe. Bino bitudde ku ttaka lya Kabaka kyokka Mmengo ebadde tesasulwa.
Estate za Kisingiri e Mmengo nga zino agamba ziri ku Block 4 ne Poloti 325, 326,327,328,348. Zino zipangisibwa abaserikale ba UPDF ekiseera kino kyokka tewali wadde ennusu Gavumenti gy’esasula Mmengo .
Yagambye nti zino tewali ndagaano yonna gy’agenda kunoonya nga waakuzizzaayo bulambalamba nga tateesezza.
Ku malwaliro, loodi meeya Erias Lukwago yeewunyizza nnyo engeri Gavumenti gy’etasobola wadde okusaba liizi ku ttaka lya Mmengo esobole okukkirizibwa. Yagambye nti agenda kuzzaayo amalwaliro okuli Kitebi, Kawaala, Kisenyi ne Kyamula .
Yagambye nti Gavumenti bw’eba eyagala esabe liizi mu butongole ereme kulaga ng’ettaka eryayo.
Amasomero okuli Nabagereka pulayimale mu Kisenyi, Katwe pulayimale, Namungoona- Kigobe, Kitebi pulayimale ne Kitebi Secondary, yagambye nti ettaka kwe gali lya Mmengo kyokka Gavumenti egavunaanyizibwako tesasula busuulu.
Lukwago yasabye Katikkiro yeetegereze bulungi olukalala lw’ebintu by’amuwadde okukakasa oba byonna abitaddeko n’asuubiza okwongerako ebirekeddwa ebbali.
“Ng’enda kuyita olukiiko ku ntandikwa ya September tusalewo lwe tunaakwasa Katikkiro ebintu bino kubanga tetugenda kubiteesaako, “Lukwago bwe yagambye. Disitulikiti ezitali zimu nga Mukono ne Kiboga zo zazzaayo ebintu bya Mmengo kyokka nazo zigamba nti zikyalina okusoomoozebwa kunene.
Okusoommoozebwa okumwolekedde
Loodi meeya alina okusoomoozebwa kunene kubanga Kampala obutafugibwa tteeka nga lya gavumenti ez’ebitundu, gavumenti etunuulira nnyo buli kintu mu Kampala ate ng’ ebintu bino tebirina kikulu kya nnyo ku kuzzaayo.
Ffe e Kiboga twabizzaayo dda kyokka tetwafuna kulung’amizibwa bulungi ku ngeri gye tubizzaayo era tukyalina okusoomoozebwa.
Ebintu byonna Mmengo y’eteekeddwa okuyamba ku loodi meeya Lukwago nga tannaba kubibakwasa. Mmengo eteekwa okuba ng’emanyi bulungi ebintu byayo era nga byonna biriko ebiwandiiko ebisobola okuyamba Lukwago.
Nze we nnayingirira mu ofi isi ya ssentebe wa disitulikiti e Kiboga, nasanga tewali wadde fayiro yonna eyogera ku bintu bye twazzaayo era mu kiseera kino tukyagezaako okugigatta awamu nga tuyambibwako Mmengo kubanga kati tulina ekizibu ku Ggombolola y’e Bukomero nga waliwo okutunda ettaka kungi mu nkola eteri nnambulukufu.
Lukwago ateekwa okuba ng’akolera wamu ne Mmengo obutakaluubirizibwa n’okumanya ebintu byennyini by’azzaayo era nga biriko fayiro. Ku ludda lwa Gavumenti nayo kyetaaga kikkiriziganyizibweko waleme kubeerawo kusika muguwa.
Bakansala ku lukiiko lwa Lukwago bawagidde entegeka eno ne bagamba nti balinda lukiiko lw’agenda okuyita bagiteeseeko.
Kansala Sulaiman Kidandala Sserwadda, Joseph Mujjuzi, Allan Ssewanyana, Haawa Namugenyi, Henry Lukwasa, n’abalala baawagidde loodi meeya ne bagamba nti balinda lukiiko lwokka bamuwagire.
Omwogezi wa KCCA atangaazizza
OMWOGEZI wa KCCA, Peter Kauju yagambye nti bo ng’abakozi ba gavumenti abakulirwa dayirekita wa Kampala, Jennifer Musisi Ssemakula tebalina kye bamanyi ku nsonga eyo.
“Tewali kiragiro kyonna kuva mu gavumenti wadde palamenti ku nsonga eno . Ffe tukolera ku biragiro bya gavumenti . Gavumenti ky’egenda okutugamba ku bintu ebyo kye tugenda okukola naye ekiseera kino ebyo bya Loodi Meeya ffe tetubimanyiiko” Kauju bwe yagambye.
Kauju yagasseeko nti ebintu ebyo bwe biba nga byakuzzibwayo nga Lukwago bw’agamba, takikola yekka .
Gavumenti eya wakati y’erina obuyinza obusalawo ku bintu bino nga waliwo amateeka agagobererwa naye kati bo tebalina kye bamanyi.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Medical Mission Sisters Long Road To Freedom Lyrics

Medical Mission Sisters Long Road To Freedom Lyrics

It's a long road to freedom, a winding steep and high.
But when you walk in love with the wind on your wing
And cover the earth with the songs you sing,
The miles fly by.

1. I walked one morning by the sea,
And all the waves reached out to me.
I took their tears, then let them be.

2. I walked one morning at the dawn,
When bits of night still lingered on.
I sought my star, but it was gone.

3. I walked one morning with a friend,
And prayed the day would never end.
The years have flown so why pretend.

4. I walked one morning with my King,
And all my winters turned to spring.
Yet every moment held its sting.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Power of the Prophetic Blessing Numbers 6:22-26

22 ADONAI said to Moshe, 23 "Speak to Aharon and his sons, and tell them that this is how you are to bless the people of Isra'el: you are to say to them, 24 'Y'varekh'kha ADONAI v'yishmerekha. [May ADONAI bless you and keep you.] 25 Ya'er ADONAI panav eleikha vichunekka. [May ADONAI make his face shine on you and show you his favor.] 26 Yissa ADONAI panav eleikha v'yasem l'kha shalom. [May ADONAI lift up his face toward you and give you peace.]'