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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Caring for the Poor is Government's Biblical Role - Jim Wallis | God's Politics Blog | Sojourners

Caring for the Poor is Government's Biblical Role - Jim Wallis | God's Politics Blog | Sojourners

Therefore we should have no homeless people anywhere in the world, especially in these "so called developed countries". Are they really developed wholistic? Pyhsically, socially, culturally, politically, mentally, emotionally, financially, economically and spiritually? Or are they wanting in some or other?

 On the other hand, I heard Rev. Billy Graham, great Evangelist when he was in MA in 1982, say that a pastor of a certain church told him that if everybody tithed, gave a tenth of all their income, and perhaps harvest, that they would have $10, 000,000. So Billy Graham asked him when he would invite him to preach for a day and get some of that collection. Laughter was heard as I laughed myself. It is also true that if all of us return to God what he gives of us as He commands us in Malacki 3:6-10, 11-15, we would not have so many poor in our communities and churches. So have we skewed God's principles? Are we so much more into giving places and recognition to those whom we perceive to be greater than others? To those who give more than others, irrespective of how they gotten that money? Are these many male led churches recognising these many poor, marginalised, disadvantaged and hurting women who come to these churches? These women who make up 85% of their congregations? By the way, who props up these churches?

 Big question: Why aren't many men going to these Churches? Is it because of the leaning messages? Is it because of the half Gospel preached and practised in these Churches? Is it because of power and authority issues in these Churches?

So what is the secret of those Churches where there are as many men as women? What attracts them? What keeps them there?

Rev. Jessica Nakawombe

What is the deep, beyond the surface problem where there are few men and may women? is it because women are so tolerant? Is it because they don't have elsewhere to go?

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