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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Is Holy Communion?

A man and a woman take off their clothes so as to have a communion. I am talking about a matrimonial communion where they have been married either by the law of the land in civil union, or the church. They get ready to become one. Indeed they come in a conjugal bond, in a sexual union. They become one in body, mind and soul. That's when you hear of a soul mate. They reach a climax and sexual orgasm occurs simultaneously. It is a sweet and holy act that is fulfilling. It is ecstatic. No words can explain that. Before they have a union, they have eyes and ears only for each other. They have a longing for each other, a deep desire. So they are drawn towards each other.
So don't be dismayed/appalled when Christ calls the Church His Bride. The Church, His bride shall be caught up with Him at the Rapture.

God wants holy communion with us His children, His creation. More than a physical communion of a man and a woman. More than the breaking or eating of bread. More than the drinking of the wine, (of this you shall remember Me) 1 Corinthians 11:26. For God is Spirit and those who worship Him, worship Him in spirit and truth – John 4:20-24.

We should have eyes only for God. We should desire Him as the deer pants for the water brook, so my soul longs for Him. Psalm 42:1-2

Song; You alone are my heart's desire... You are the real joy giver and the apple of my eye. (Martin Nystrom, 1984 Maranatha Music)

When we have shut out everything, our worldly desires, our children, our parents, our relatives, our friends, our jobs, our businesses, our houses, our debts, our fears, our worries, our concerns, our cars, our plans, then we are ready for Him. Since the Lord our God is One, and a jealous God, Exodus
20:4-5. He desires us only for Himself. Then He may approach us when we are ready for Him, and have sweet communion. And have sweet fellowship. It is ecstatic, beyond words, beyond description. True ecstasy was designed in heaven. Since we are in our natural and carnal form, ecstasy is for a moment.  ...now we can see in part...then we will see in full. (1 Corinthians. 13:10, 12)

However, we cannot forget the moment, that experience! It is indelibly marked in our memories, in our psyche. It is like a laser image, not erasable. The more we make ourselves available to God, the more He will reveal Himself to us. … if you seek me with all your heart, then you shall find Me...Deuteronomy 4:29, Jeremiah 29:13. The more He will show us who he truly is, the Truth, the Life and the Way, John 14:6. The more we will come to know Him. The more we will desire to be like Him. The more we will see and know God as Abba, our Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, here on earth as it is in heaven...Matthew 6:9. All the saints casting down their golden crowns and the angels bow down a worship Him…Isaiah 6:3. Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy...

God will delight in us. He will shower us with His blessings. Abraham, David, Solomon, the nameless women and others. Since He loved us before we loved Him, John 3:16, how much more will he love us when we know Him?

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