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Monday, December 27, 2010

Restoration Is At Your Doorstep: Watch Carefully! Listen Attentively!

 In that day “I will restore David’s fallen shelter— I will repair its broken walls and restore its ruins— and will rebuild it as it used to be,..."
Amos 9:10-12 

Restore -To bring back to an original condition, a former or original state.

Shelter/ - Something that provides cover or protection, as from the weather.
 Breaches - An opening, a tear, or a rupture.

Repair - To restore to sound condition after damage.

God has promised to restore our possessions, our prosperity and our wealth that has been stolen away, that has been depleted - holes punched out in our purses, wallets, savings, bank accounts, professions we had, professions that never reached their fullness, careers made redundant, careers cut off in birthstage or midstage. 
Mental abilities/ faculties to excel, stunted growth, stunted development, world systems -educational, institutional, governments, doctrines, principles. 

For God created us with no blemish, no spot or wrinkle in our genes and chemical or biological makeup. But sin entered us right from birth, not from creation, maybe from conception as humans, then genes got distorted accordingly as from the sins our ancestors and parents committed. Since God has set natural laws, physical laws, and spiritual laws, as well as principles. Any flaw, any deviation or any break results in a side effect. It is like a ripple effect you may see in water or in a river. "I am a jealous God, I will punish the sins up to the fourth generation..."  
Our enterpreneurial abilities to venture, our capabilities for stable marriages. Marriages will be repaired, they will be restored, they will be rebuilt as God intended them to be. "Therefore shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave/cling to his wife, and they shall become one..." Genesis. Different yet complementary. Different yet equal. With true intimacy. No more divorce for there will be listening to each other. Giving honour and respect to one another. Patient and kind, giving allowance for everything. Seeing the man, the husband as the "image of God - male" and the woman, the wife as the "image of God - female".  

For stable friendships, for stable relationships, reaching out to each other for giving of ourselves unselfishly and meeting the needs of others.  

For stable blood ties with our families and relatives, for they are God ordained for us to live in harmony with one another, to uplift and encourage each other. For in numbers we are stronger, we are happier and we take pride in. We shall be gathered to one another, from East and West, North and South. We will listen to each other and respect one another for we shall see the image of God in one another. 

Health that has been depleted by all sorts of diseases, - life eating bacteria, viruses, organisms. 

Warped magnetic fields and electrical emissions from electrical and electronics, those that we use on a daily basis like cell / mobile phones, televisions, radios, cameras, desktop computers, laptops; medical, educational, recreational, entertainment.
Solar and other cosmic emissions, illnesses that have been in hibernation, mutants, distortions by people through ignorance or wickedness, such as biological weapons, nuclear weapons, atomic weapons, infirmities, disabilities. 

To restore is to bring back to the original state of something.

God has promised us to rebuild our lives as he intended them to be for God (Elohim- Hebrew plural) "created us in their own image, male and female..." and put everything created under our management or administration. Genesis 1:26-28. Since our fall as human beings, creation, things created for our own use, instead have used us!  Created for our own consumption, instead have consumed us!  Created for our own good, instead have turned against us! "He knew us even before we were conceived in our mother's womb!" Jeremiah 

Above all, He will restore us to Himself so that we may again enjoy a full fellowship, a friendship, and a full holy communion with Him.
He will rebuild His relationship with us as His Daugthers and Sons again! That relationship is divine. It is spiritual. Through Jesus, the Christ, His own Son, we have been adopted. Jesus is our Brother, His first born creation. 
God, the King of kings, we shall be His princesses and princes destined to reign with him for eternity, all ages! 
We are royal.
We are priests, with Jesus, our High Priest. "We are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, brought into His wonderful Light from the deep darkness" Peter.

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