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Sunday, January 29, 2012



Love Never Fails

by Clayton Hurst

Monday, October 31, 2011
A few years ago my wife and I were standing in the hallway of a church talking about some upcoming events. I will have to admit that I was being a little 'short' with her when she was asking me questions. However, in my defense, she was asking a lot of questions.
Just a few moments went by and one of our faithful volunteers came by and asked me the exact same question that my wife had just asked not 5 minutes earlier. I mean down to the exact placement of the words. Well, being the man of grace and love that I am, I began to gently answer with an abundance of details. Some 15 minutes pass and the volunteer thanked me and turned around and walked away. Thinking back now, I should have walked away with her. When I turned to continue my conversation with my wife, she wasn't really happy with me. She said, 'Why did you go to such great length and have such grace in answering their questions but you didn't do that with me?' I had shown love and grace to this volunteer but not to wife. That was a hard but valuable lesson to learn that day.
1 Corinthians 13:8 says, 'Love never fails!' We should always respond with love and grace because it is always the right way. It will never fail you in life or in a conversation.
That day, years ago, God showed me the importance of treating everyone with love and grace… especially with the ones that are the closest to me!

1 comment:

Restored7 said...

Are you too familiar with your wife that you have bred contempt? Are you the jerk to your wife but the most gracious and loving man to a complete stranger or others outside your family? Actually marriage needs to be worked on, to be cherished, not taken lightly but seriously as your work, your job, your boss, your finances, your buddies, your football buddies. if your wife is not happy, Man you will never be happy yourself! However much you fake it. So invest wisely in your wife. She is your best friend. She is your bedmate. She is your sexual and intimate partner. She keeps your secrets. She knows your weaknesses. She knows your strengths. She knows your limits. She is your mirror. So respect her and treat her well behind closed doors and in public. You will notice very soon the dividends you get. She will be glowing whenever she sees you.