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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Chrisitians and Complex Physiological Issues.


I hear him too and was surprised at what he meant. He himself didn't sound so sure and he cut off Terry so fast. Who knows, ''...in the last days...." many things are happening and many will turn away and many will bring in false teaching in the Church. I would have respected him if he had said that he does not really know but he will pray and research. For surely, even him does not have all the answers. Why would he give any such answer just to prove that he is Alpha and Omega?
His answer was not helpful at all!
As Christians, we should love anyone but hate sin and unholiness. We are commanded to love one another, but to hate sin and unholiness.
If we are not sure, we should let others know and pray for them as well for God to reveal the truth to them.
For Pat, pride comes before a fall.

I have heard that people have been born transgender, and that doctors or medical personnel decided which genitalia to keep. I don't know what that means but prayer to God can reveal so much. I am still learning and I don't claim to know everything. I am also wondering, do these people have ovaries, uterus or not? Do they grow beards? How do they look like as they turn to puberty for this may be a determining factor of nature. Getting injected hormones or treatment to change one into prominence of a different gender is what I would not agree with. That will tampering with the DNA. It is time for Christians to address such complex issues with prayer, diligence, compassion and truth.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

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