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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

God's Sense of Humour

Marrilyn Hickey Great Woman of God
Marilyn Hickey and daughter Sarah have deposited so much in my life. I asked God whom to partner with as I was at crossroads in my spiritual life looking for a Mentor. I had prayed for years. Then God impressed on me Marilyn Hickey whom in 2005 I used to watch on and off on TBN way back. I was like, Oh God, why a White woman, not a Black man or a Black woman? Not even a White woman or other? God is so humorous! I thought that I had missed God's answer! Anyway, I was looking for someone who looked like me at least! And for years, I eluded God, but continued to watch her and learn from her. In 2006, I even attended her Conference in Anaheim, CA, 50 miles from my home! I was delighted to meet her in person.
Over the years, I have realised that God does not make mistakes! Marilyn (and Sarah) have helped me in so many ways to look at myself in a different way, in a sincere way, in a true way, seeing my weaknesses, my strengths, my woes, my delights, my sorrows, my joys, my nights, my days, my weeping, my happiness, my gifts and talents, my past, present and future. They have reached depths no one could ever have reached they unveiled secrets only God knew! She is a mirror in my life in which I see myself! What she says or writes resonates with me, past, present and future! It took me some years to agree with God. Nowadays I ask myself, "What took me so long?"
 As well as my struggles, my doubts, and my failures. Its only God who knows each one of us at the deepest level, who knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb, Jeremiah 1:1ff, who can minister to us, and unlock those secret closets we have locked up since childhood, because of the pain to terrible to bear, too much hurt to recall or remember! And thrown away the keys in the oceans and deserts of our lives? Its only God who can heal the cancerous wound that has failed to heal, but continues to ooze when pricked by the troubles of this world! its only God who can reach down to that wounded child inside of you, and heal her or him! Its God who can hug and comfort that lonely child, that lonely girl, that lonely boy inside of you - yet you are an adult woman or man, and says its OK. However, we have to let God use people around us or whom He has put into our lives. My Dear Sister, my Dear Brother, will you let in your life that man, that woman, those people God has put in your life! They may not be the ones you expect. 

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