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Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Truth About the Church's Fundraising Tactics - High End Marketing


Let's suppose you are closing out your day with some salsa and chips when you flip on the television. You wince as you witness a repeat performance--not of another episode of Survivor but of a high-powered, high-pressure appeal for money during a talk show on your local Christian station.
"Ohhh, the anointing is so strong right now," the host says. "You need to give while the anointing is here!"
You believe in the anointing of God and in the power of prayer. You love and appreciate many of the people on this TV program and you know God uses them.
You certainly don't want to be critical. So you close your eyes, shake your head in disgust and turn off the set.
"This is embarrassing," you say to yourself. "Something isn't right. Lord, I don't understand--does it have to be this way?"
I know how you feel. I have seen this in church services and conferences and some of the same thoughts have surfaced in me.
Over the next several days you find yourself in conversations with Christian friends. Somehow the topic of Christian fundraising is mentioned.
The other people have strong opinions, from "It makes me sick" to "As soon as I see that stuff I turn off the TV."
I wish this craziness were the exception, but it seems it is becoming the rule. During one recent week I turned on the tube and witnessed the following:

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