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Monday, August 19, 2013

Gifted for Leadership: Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

Gifted for Leadership: Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

A book review


Why I picked up this book:
I read Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In for several reasons: 1) I had seen Sheryl’s TED Talk on why there are so few women leading and resonated with her message and style. 2) As the COO of Facebook, Sheryl consistently makes the “lists.” You know, like the Forbes and TIME “most powerful” and “most influential” lists they create each year. 3) There still aren’t a lot of leadership books written by women at this level of leadership telling not only personal stories but also leadership lessons.

Who should read Lean In:

Every leader should read this book. Men leaders should read this book for the leadership advice (it crosses gender lines) and the glimpse of what life is like for women leaders around them. Women leaders should read Lean In because Sheryl is a voice influencing change on our behalf.

What’s in store for you:
Lean In provides extensive research, experienced recommendations, and examples from real-life. Sheryl Sandberg’s writing style is like a well-educated, well-traveled cousin (not quite as intimate as an older sister). The book presents one challenge after another, so don’t expect a tell-all memoir you can put on your bookshelf and ignore when you’re done. Expect to wrestle.
Sandberg tackles some of the issues behind why women aren’t leading, like “the ambition gap” and the cultural norms we have learned and adapted (Chapter 2). She also devoted entire chapters to taking different approaches to our careers (Chapter 4: It’s a Jungle Gym Not a Ladder), mentoring (Chapter 5), and communication (Chapter 6: Seek and Speak Your Truth).
What I was most surprised by was the extensive content devoted to parenting and partnering with your spouse. I don’t know of another leadership book since the classic Choosing to Cheat, by Andy Stanley, that is as explicit about the struggle of juggling all the roles. That being said, Sandberg does not address aspects like spiritual, physical, and emotional health in leadership life and how these play into bringing your whole self to the table. She also does not offer quick and easy lists to becoming a C-suite leader: she is direct in her advice but nuanced in its application.
With discussion questions at the end of the book, you will be well equipped to have a meaningful dialogue with a team or a group of leader friends (like I did).
My personal takeaways:
When I consider the obstacles women face in secular leadership arenas, it seems a little absurd given that it’s 2013. When I add on the barriers women face in Christian leadership, like theological limitations to opportunities or gender roles in marriage, it goes beyond absurd to discouraging. Add on the fact that I live in the equivalent of the buckle of the Southern Bible belt, with all of its culturally appropriate behaviors, and I get really fired up.
The book fueled my passion for empowering Christian women leaders to lead in a ministry context. I was convicted to tell more of my story—to be honest with others about my leadership experiences in hopes that they will be encouraged and equipped to lead and pastor others. I also want to help redefine success for women leaders: as Sheryl wrote, it’s not about getting to the top of the ladder. I think it’s about leaning in to who God is creating us to be and leading with that woman in mind.
What my book club had to say:
Lean In led to some passionate discussion for an early Saturday morning. We felt the book affirmed our leadership gifts and goals in so many ways. This assertion from the book really struck us: “Staying quiet and fitting in may have been all the first generations of women who entered corporate America could do; in some cases it might still be.” If you replaced “corporate America” with “ministry,” this statement would still be true. Our group is lucky—we all have served in churches or ministries that valued our gifts and invited our voices. But we know the reality is our experience is still the minority when it comes to women leading in ministry.
Sheryl’s words challenged us to lead even more intentionally—to leverage our influence and prepare a better experience for the women behind us. We each asked what this would look like for us. For one, it was to be more visible—to put her name in the hat and not wait on someone to call on her. For another friend, her takeaway was to continue to speak up and challenge senior leadership. Just like the women leading before us, we must continue to take on the “firsts” in our leadership context so women in leadership roles behind us will move from being the exception to the expectation.
Twitter-worthy quotes:
“When negotiating, think personally, act communally.”
“Of all the ways women hold themselves back, perhaps the most pervasive is that they leave before they leave.”
“Done is better than perfect.”

Other books I would recommend along these lines:

Tough Choices by Carly Fiorina
No Higher Honor by Condoleezza Rice

Julie Pierce empowers leaders to change the world through coaching, consulting teams, and communicating with groups. You can follow her on Twitter at julie_pierce or read her leadership blog at www.empoweredbypierce.com .

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Dark Side of Wives Submitting to Husbands

During a past ministry trip to Hungary, I heard a painfully familiar story. Through a translator, a tearful young woman living near Budapest explained that her Christian husband was angrily demanding her absolute submission. This included, among other things, that she clean their house according to his strict standards and that she engage in sexual acts with him that made her feel uncomfortable and dirty.
This lady was not demanding her rights or trying to be disrespectful. She was a godly, humble woman who obviously wanted to please the Lord. But she had been beaten to a pulp emotionally, and she was receiving little help from her pastor—who was either unwilling or unprepared to confront wife abuse.
 My Response
Some people really have a big problem with the exposure in this article. Many women know this exists and much worse among Christian husbands and especially pastors. I have heard such, wives young and old have told me, and I have seen it myself,. I usually challenge it and get so much opposition by those men and women who want to distort Christ's love and submission. It is the open secret and yet the secret in the closet. This domestic abuse has no boundaries, no colour bound even. Whit and Black, African, Asian, Caucasian, Chinese, Japanese. Many pastors' and ministers wives live with the Terror at home who is the Angel outside the home. Since they know what they are doing is bad, they stop their wives from talking about it with others! A wife is not a domestic slave neither a sexual slave! Sex is not a tool for abuse or control, no a weapon to strike God's people, women with- Genesis 1:26-28.  Men, husbands need to go back to the Altar, repent, seek forgiveness from God and their wives, have a clean slate, and start afresh. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Teen Do You Want to Do What your Parents Do And Have

Jokes by Christians
A preacher 's son turned 16 and got his driver's license. He asked his father if he could drive the family car. His father told him to do a few things the preacher did before he could drive like a responsible person. Son, he said, you have to read the bible everyday, cut your hair and ----. The son went and came back to his father, thanked him for having asked him to read the Bible, told him that it was a good thing he had read the bible. Moses had long hair, Samson had long hair, even Jesus so he saw no reason in the Bible to cut his hair. His father said that was true, however wherever they went the walked. That had me laughing all till my sides were almost sore. So Preachers make jokes. 
This was a Brother who tells jokes for his living. 
Did not get his name, will try to.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

What is Marriage

My Loveless Marriage

Why divorce wasn't the answer to my emptiness.

After ten years of marriage, I wanted out. Our love hadn't died in the heat of this battle or any other battle. It had died at the bottom of a wall it couldn't climb.
I remember clearly the day I laid the first brick. We'd been married nine months. We went to a movie and I waited for Larry to reach over and take my hand, thus proving the magic was still there. But he didn't and, as the movie progressed, I grew hurt and angry. He shrugged it off, surprised I was upset over such a little thing. To him it was nothing; to me it was the first sign our love wasn't perfect.
As the years passed, I added more bricks. When we were first married, he called me every day from work. But slowly those phone calls grew further apart and finally stopped. When I brought it up, he started calling again, but it wasn't the same. When we watched TV in the evening, he'd fall asleep. When we went out for dinner, he couldn't think of anything to say. His days off were measured by how much he got done—chores, work, and the children took priority. I got the crumbs, and I was starving.
I felt guilty for feeling the way I did; he wasn't abusive, he didn't run around with other women, he didn't drink or do drugs. He came home every night and worked hard to support our family. Despite this, the wall grew, built with bricks of buried anger, unmet needs, silences, and cold shoulders. The marriage books we read made things worse; counseling confused the issues.

My Response
Thanks so much for being truthful, humble enough and obedient to God. Marriage is work and prayer. What I don't understand is why most times it is the wife to give in and change then the husband begins to change. This is a mystery God only knows. Marriage is not a quick fix, it is a give and take which has no written or mathematical formula. It is submission to one another, yet one has to start it. More important is to take your marriage to God and lay it all bare beginning with you. This is not easy and takes time. I am glad that God changed you in ways so profound that Larry was able to see it and also changed. It is amazing that you can now laugh at what used to annoy you. Friends for life which came with submission on your side to God  and asking Him into it. Many times men and women get married without knowing what true love is, giving of oneself to the other, selfless love. And without putting God in the center. God who knows the other person is the one who can unlock the love. 

Do You Want Your Husband To Change For the Better

The Prayers that Changed Husbands

When Tami Chelew got serious about talking to God about her mate, she couldn't believe what happened.


Wives In Prayer was born that first meeting. Tami and Cindy made a commitment to get together each week. Soon their friend Caryn joined them and then other women were calling, eager to be part of this unique group of praying wives. That was 11 years ago—and Tami is still hosting Wives in Prayer meetings in her home.
"I've seen God take my prayers and those of like-minded women and answer them beyond anything we could have hoped for or imagined," she says, still amazed at how much has occurred by simply praying.
No longer does Tami put the Bible at the foot of their bed as a reminder. Dan's faith is flourishing. Each morning before leaving for work, Dan reads his Bible for direction, wisdom, and strength for his day. And Tami watches in awe from the sidelines!

Wife or Husband, What Irritates You About Your Spouse

 The List That Saved My Marriage
What an inventory of my husband's shortcomings taught me


With a tear-stained, angry face, I walked into Mom's kitchen. She held the baby while I sobbed my declaration of independence. A washcloth and cup of coffee later, Mom told me she and Dad would help me. I was comforted to know they'd be there for me.
"But before you leave Bill," she said, "I have one task for you to complete."
Mom put down my sleeping son, took a sheet of paper and pen, and drew a vertical line down the middle of the page. She told me to list in the left column all the things Bill did that made him impossible to live with. As I looked at the dividing line, I thought she'd then tell me to list all his good qualities on the right hand side. I was determined to have a longer list of bad qualities on the left. This is going to be easy, I thought. My pen started immediately to scribble down the left column.
Bill never picked his clothes off the floor. He never told me when he was going outside. He slept in church. He had embarrassing, nasty habits such as blowing his nose or belching at the dinner table. He never bought me nice presents. He refused to match his clothes. He was tight with money. He wouldn't help with the housework. He didn't talk with me.
The list went on and on until I'd filled the page. I certainly had more than enough evidence to prove that no woman would be able to live with this man.

How Much Sex Should Christians Have and How Far Should They Go


Christian Sex Rules

A guide to what's allowed in the bedroom
When it comes to sex, most married Christians just do what works for them. If they have been blessed enough to have discovered something that brings satisfaction, pleasure, closeness, and climax, they most likely will continue that practice. However, some are plagued with guilt because they wonder if what they're doing is sinful.
TCW receives many, many questions from Christian couples who want to know what is and what is not okay to do sexually. Unfortunately, churches tend to ignore this issue, small groups usually don't talk about sex, and most Christian books deal with more "spiritual" ideas.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a list of sexual practices categorized by "sinful" or "okay"? Is there such a list? Would everyone agree with the list? Is there a solution to this dilemma?
We think the answers to those questions are: yes, no, no, and probably not—in that order. We'd really like to create such a list that could settle once and forever the niggling doubts about sexual practices. But that's not possible. Different communities of Christians have different understandings about sexual practices that are based on a few general biblical principles. No list would be accepted by all Christians. Still, we do want to provide some guidelines that we hope will help you enjoy the gift of your sexuality to the fullest. That's what we're convinced God wants for each of his children.
We doubt that God's surprised by the intensity of our sexual desire or of its fulfillment. Seeing us enjoy the passion and pleasure seems to fit with his creative nature. There are some definite boundaries, however, that were identified through his Word. These are established to protect and enhance the maximum enjoyment of the gift. We think it's like our giving our kids bicycles. We'd teach them the safety rules right away so they could delight in the ride without being run over by a car on a busy street.

Every Little Girl"s and Little Boy's Wish - Fairy Tale

Expecting A"You Complete Me" Kind Of Marriage


I'm expecting" is a grand open-ended statement of two little words loaded with hope. As a mom of four, I have lots of experience saying them, sometimes with excitement and sometimes with exhaustion. Each time I've been waiting for the baby, other expectations weren't so obvious. The dream of fulfillment, or unconditional love, or a stronger connection to my husband. They were unique expectations based on my distinct mess of personality and life experiences. What I was "expecting" with my fourth pregnancy was much different than my first, because I knew more about motherhood and I'd grown as a woman.

Should We Have Expectations Going Into Marriage

Going Beyond Our Expectations


A classic love song that still gets a lot of radio time goes like this:
You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration
Wanna have you near me
I wanna have you hear me sayin'
No one needs you more than I need you.
"You're the Inspiration" by Chicago is typical of the genre we call love songs. Such songs promise that our lover will bring us "meaning," "inspiration," and "feeling," and when our natural resources fail us, our lover will rescue us, so that we can belt out, "No one needs you more than I need you!"
Sort of makes the lover sound like God.
And that's the rub. Christians recognize that such songs are silly at best, idolatrous at worst, and just plain unrealistic. No human relationship can do all that.
But I'll be honest: deep inside there's a part of me that wishes it were true. And I don't think I'm alone.
We're fascinated, even in the Christian world, with books and articles that promise to help "find the love of your life," or to discern whether Mr. X or Ms. Y could possibly be our "soul mate." We live in a culture that longs for what's been called superrelationships. Who wouldn't want one?
We especially pine after the superrelationship when, a few years into marriage, we find ourselves at the breakfast table, sitting across from someone who suddenly seems like a stranger, with disheveled hair, wearing a tattered robe, bent over a newspaper, slurping coffee. We discover we don't have a soul mate but a mere roommate, and we wonder what office we go to in order to find a new one.

The Truth About the Church's Fundraising Tactics - High End Marketing


Let's suppose you are closing out your day with some salsa and chips when you flip on the television. You wince as you witness a repeat performance--not of another episode of Survivor but of a high-powered, high-pressure appeal for money during a talk show on your local Christian station.
"Ohhh, the anointing is so strong right now," the host says. "You need to give while the anointing is here!"
You believe in the anointing of God and in the power of prayer. You love and appreciate many of the people on this TV program and you know God uses them.
You certainly don't want to be critical. So you close your eyes, shake your head in disgust and turn off the set.
"This is embarrassing," you say to yourself. "Something isn't right. Lord, I don't understand--does it have to be this way?"
I know how you feel. I have seen this in church services and conferences and some of the same thoughts have surfaced in me.
Over the next several days you find yourself in conversations with Christian friends. Somehow the topic of Christian fundraising is mentioned.
The other people have strong opinions, from "It makes me sick" to "As soon as I see that stuff I turn off the TV."
I wish this craziness were the exception, but it seems it is becoming the rule. During one recent week I turned on the tube and witnessed the following:

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Is God Doing A New Thing in Our Days?

The Joel Osteen Most People Don't Know 


I like Pastor Joel and I respect him. He appeals to much in me that is deep like many others. He speaks of a Loving and gracious and kind and generous heavenly Father. We should not be quick to judge someone whom God is using in a different way to bring people to Himself. Always Joel ends with the Altar Call. How many Churches do this? If Joel has a big Church and congregation, does it mean that it is wrong? No. A great multitude used to follow Jesus and on foot. Nowhere in the Bible is it reported that few people followed Jesus. No. There must have been something about Him that was attractive to them. And he always spoke to them in the language they knew. he used examples of daily life. He wasn't sophisticated. That's the appeal to the human spirit.
It is not right to equate Joel to Jesus, for Joel is totally human and makes mistakes like any other. Yet it is equally wrong to limit Joel to what was recorded in the Bible as Jesus' works and words. The Bible says that it is only a fraction that was recorded. Not only that, Jesus said that greater works shall those who follow Him do.
"12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he/she who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he/she will do, because I go to My Father. " John 14:12

If some of you do not understand Joel's calling and mission, don't fret. Ask God to show you your own calling and mission and excel at it. You may even go beyond Joel. I am not an advocate of Joel, but I have watched him for some years and read his books. They are life giving. God is doing a new thing in His Kingdom. Are you listening to the new sound? Can you see beyond the known?
"18 “Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:18-19
"28 “And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
29 Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days." Joel 2:28
Some of us went to Seminary, have many years of training, but classroom if applied to the marketplace without the wisdom of God is useless. Tradition needs the breath of the Spirit to bring new life.

It is sinful to limit God as to how He can use His people in different generations. The message is still the same, yet packaged in generational wineskins.
We should pray for them to be preserved in uprightness and not fall into temptation. We Christians should not be acting as the Devil trying to pull Joel and Victoria down, but encouraging them on and upholding them.
"And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (Colossians 1:9-14, ESV)"

Chrisitians and Complex Physiological Issues.


I hear him too and was surprised at what he meant. He himself didn't sound so sure and he cut off Terry so fast. Who knows, ''...in the last days...." many things are happening and many will turn away and many will bring in false teaching in the Church. I would have respected him if he had said that he does not really know but he will pray and research. For surely, even him does not have all the answers. Why would he give any such answer just to prove that he is Alpha and Omega?
His answer was not helpful at all!
As Christians, we should love anyone but hate sin and unholiness. We are commanded to love one another, but to hate sin and unholiness.
If we are not sure, we should let others know and pray for them as well for God to reveal the truth to them.
For Pat, pride comes before a fall.

I have heard that people have been born transgender, and that doctors or medical personnel decided which genitalia to keep. I don't know what that means but prayer to God can reveal so much. I am still learning and I don't claim to know everything. I am also wondering, do these people have ovaries, uterus or not? Do they grow beards? How do they look like as they turn to puberty for this may be a determining factor of nature. Getting injected hormones or treatment to change one into prominence of a different gender is what I would not agree with. That will tampering with the DNA. It is time for Christians to address such complex issues with prayer, diligence, compassion and truth.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

God Is Holy and Cannot Tolerate Sin

Revival Is Coming, but God Is Turning Over Stones First

Exactly. There is so much sinning under the table in the Church!! Too much compromise! I agree with you for Jesus is coming back to take a Church without a blemish, spot or wrinkle. God is so gracious that He is giving us a second chance to put things right. God loves sinners but hates sin. God is Holy so He cannot tolerate sin, unholiness! May we cry out to Him to cleanse us of anything unholy! anything that may prevent us from entering Heaven. He is a God of more than second chance. But Christians have compromised holiness! Even Non Christians are appalled at how Christians behave, speak, dress or live our lives. God help us.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

In The Last Days Even Believers Will Fall Away And Many Away

In the Last Days Even Believers Will Fall Away and Lead Many Away

Desmond Tutu: ‘I’d Pick Hell Over an Anti-Gay Heaven’

I admire Bishop Tutu but on this one I think he is shooting himself in the foot. I hope that publicity and celebrity status and money has not gotten to his head! Such comments don't help in his position. He has never been to Heaven, and he may sure miss it! As Christians we should love not hate gays but hate the practice which is not godly as God says in the Bible. We don't have to explain away God's word just to gain cheap popularity! How could God be homophobic? How could God love what He hates? God loves all sinners, but hates sin. That's why he sent His only Son Jesus Christ that whoever believes in Him should not die eternally but live. John 3:16
Beware Believers, the Bible that in the last days, even some believers will fall away. And many false prophets and teachers will come with false teaching! Some times false teachers are within the Church not outside.
Acts 20:28 Watch out for yourselves and for all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own Son. 29 I know that after I am gone fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Even from among your own group men will arise, teaching perversions of the truth to draw the disciples away after them."

God's Sense of Humour

Marrilyn Hickey Great Woman of God
Marilyn Hickey and daughter Sarah have deposited so much in my life. I asked God whom to partner with as I was at crossroads in my spiritual life looking for a Mentor. I had prayed for years. Then God impressed on me Marilyn Hickey whom in 2005 I used to watch on and off on TBN way back. I was like, Oh God, why a White woman, not a Black man or a Black woman? Not even a White woman or other? God is so humorous! I thought that I had missed God's answer! Anyway, I was looking for someone who looked like me at least! And for years, I eluded God, but continued to watch her and learn from her. In 2006, I even attended her Conference in Anaheim, CA, 50 miles from my home! I was delighted to meet her in person.
Over the years, I have realised that God does not make mistakes! Marilyn (and Sarah) have helped me in so many ways to look at myself in a different way, in a sincere way, in a true way, seeing my weaknesses, my strengths, my woes, my delights, my sorrows, my joys, my nights, my days, my weeping, my happiness, my gifts and talents, my past, present and future. They have reached depths no one could ever have reached they unveiled secrets only God knew! She is a mirror in my life in which I see myself! What she says or writes resonates with me, past, present and future! It took me some years to agree with God. Nowadays I ask myself, "What took me so long?"
 As well as my struggles, my doubts, and my failures. Its only God who knows each one of us at the deepest level, who knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb, Jeremiah 1:1ff, who can minister to us, and unlock those secret closets we have locked up since childhood, because of the pain to terrible to bear, too much hurt to recall or remember! And thrown away the keys in the oceans and deserts of our lives? Its only God who can heal the cancerous wound that has failed to heal, but continues to ooze when pricked by the troubles of this world! its only God who can reach down to that wounded child inside of you, and heal her or him! Its God who can hug and comfort that lonely child, that lonely girl, that lonely boy inside of you - yet you are an adult woman or man, and says its OK. However, we have to let God use people around us or whom He has put into our lives. My Dear Sister, my Dear Brother, will you let in your life that man, that woman, those people God has put in your life! They may not be the ones you expect. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Healed of Physical and Spiritual Blindness.

Praise the Living God, who was and is and will be. Praise Jesus who was, is and will be. Only Jesus can make the blind physically and spiritually see. Like when Saul who was persecuting Christians was blinded by a bright light, then had to be prayed for by Barnabas and scales fell of his eyes. He could see again physically and spiritually, yet anew.

But even Death cannot overcome the power of Jesus

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Big Same Sex Marriage Lie

The Big Same Sex Marriage Lie

 Same-sex marriage will never be widely accepted in America for a simple reason: It’s based on a lie. But don’t take my word on this; leading LGBT scholars and activists say as much.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Do You Inquire of the LORD Before You Do Anything?

15 After David had constructed buildings for himself in the City of David, he prepared a place for the ark of God and pitched a tent for it. Then David said, “No one but the Levites may carry the ark of God, because the Lord chose them to carry the ark of the Lord and to minister before him forever.”
David assembled all Israel in Jerusalem to bring up the ark of the Lord to the place he had prepared for it. He called together the descendants of Aaron and the Levites:
From the descendants of Kohath,
Uriel the leader and 120 relatives;
from the descendants of Merari,
Asaiah the leader and 220 relatives;
from the descendants of Gershon,
Joel the leader and 130 relatives;
from the descendants of Elizaphan,
Shemaiah the leader and 200 relatives;
from the descendants of Hebron,
Eliel the leader and 80 relatives;
10 from the descendants of Uzziel,
Amminadab the leader and 112 relatives.

15 After David had constructed buildings for himself in the City of David, he prepared a place for the ark of God and pitched a tent for it. Then David said, “No one but the Levites may carry the ark of God, because the Lord chose them to carry the ark of the Lord and to minister before him forever.”
David assembled all Israel in Jerusalem to bring up the ark of the Lord to the place he had prepared for it. He called together the descendants of Aaron and the Levites:
From the descendants of Kohath,
Uriel the leader and 120 relatives;
from the descendants of Merari,
Asaiah the leader and 220 relatives;
from the descendants of Gershon,
Joel the leader and 130 relatives;
from the descendants of Elizaphan,
Shemaiah the leader and 200 relatives;
from the descendants of Hebron,
Eliel the leader and 80 relatives;
10 from the descendants of Uzziel,
Amminadab the leader and 112 relatives.

The priests symbolically separated themselves from sin and evil. This was done by washing themselves and their clothing in a special ceremony - numbers 8:5-8. While we are not required to t carry out this ceremony today, we can purify ourselves by reading God's word and preparing our hearts to participate iN worship. 

God has ordained natural ways governed by laws and principles of how everything should be done. Therefore, we have to inquire of the LORD how we should go about it all, everything. I have regretted in my life why I  never inquired of LORD how  I should gO about everything that didn't work out in my life. Yet the Spirit would prod me and I would not take heed, not listen! 

If he created us in His own image, he created everything on earth and outside earth, in heaven, wouldn't he know what would be beneficial to me?

This time David saw tO it that the Levites carried the Ark -Numbers 4:5-15. We may not fully understand the reason behind God's instructions but we do know that His wisdom is complete and His judgement infallible. The way to  know God's instructions is to know his Word. But just as children do not understand the reasons for all their parents' instructions until they are older, we may not understand all of God's reasons in this life. it is far better to obey God's first, and then discover the reasons. We are Nev free to disobey God just because we don't understand.

References: Some notes from the NIV Life Application Study Bible.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

She Who Was Said to be Barren is in Her Sixth Month

The Birth of Jesus Foretold

26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”29 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”34 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. 36 Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. 37 For no word from God will ever fail.”38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.Luke 2
Each one of us may have barren areas in our lives that have failed to conceive, that have failed to be fruitful, that have failed to multiply. Yet God said, "Go be fruitful and multiply, Genesis 1
Barrenness or failing to conceive is a curse. It is not of God. Barrenness may be physiological, physical, mental, financial, social, in relationships, or even spiritual.
God is saying to you and me today like the Angel told Mary that "she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month." For nothing is impossible with God. No word from God will fail. that you, that me is with child. Is pregnant. Is bearing good news of a child. Is life giving. 
What are your circumstances right now? "Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age,..." Is your situation age, are your circumstanced limited by things natural, by distance, by location not within reach? by a low school education? By a low self esteem? 
By your past? By your lineage? By your blood line? By your heritage?
What is it that is keeping you from conceiving your God given plans, desires, dreams and hopes He has put in your heart?

What have people said so far that have limited you from conceiving?
do you believe what the word of God says? 
the Angel told Mary an accompanying encouragement to emphasize what God can do and what God had done so she could believe. so she could not doubt. Elizabeth knew her relative of course. Probably her Jajja.
First of all, Not only was Elizabeth old in age, past the years or period where women conceive babies, but she was also known to be barren, that she could not conceive. It was common knowledge. 
So what is common knowledge about you? What have people said about you? What have they spoken about you, maybe negatively?

2. For God to be magnified, He has to turn around completely a situation that is commonly known. For God to be magnified He has to turn upside down  a negative circumstance  into a positive one that is commonly known. That people have spoken about and have given up for you. There should be witnesses to your situation. 
There should be witnesses to your circumstance. So that there is no doubt as to who change your situation, your circumstance. 
When natural laws and natural principles have reached their limit. Then God who made them is the only one who can bypass them for he is Supreme in all the Earth and heaven. And God delight in changing our circumstances ans situations for the better if only we could trust Him totally. If only we could leave everything to him in His hands to solve. He loves us so much that he has given us free will. He does not coerce us, he does not force us. Never. For God loves us so much to give us freedom of choice to work with Him. God is the Supreme Aristocrat, King of kings, Lord of lords, God of gods. 
Why do we find it so hard to trust in God with all our hearts and mind? With all our strength? To love Him with all our hearts, all our strengths, all our minds, and all who we are? Yet we put all our trust in the created who can make mistakes? Yet we give our hearts, our minds, our strengths, and love those who have no perfect love? those who betray us again and again? 
So where do you stand? Where are you? 
Today you may realise that you who was barren physiologically, medically, financially, socially - could not keep any relationship whether relatives, friends or wife or husband for long, being single for a long time, no marriage around the corner, married but divorced or separated, mentally - could not achieve the heights you have been reaching for - bagamba mbu tolina magezi, mbu oli musiru; or even spiritual - oyo tayinza kulokoka, that you who could not conceive, but you are already pregnant with you miracle. For there is nothing impossible with God. For no word from God will ever fail.

3. Are you ready to receive God's angel today and hear God's word for you? 

Any idea to be birthed, it has to be conceived first, to be kept in the womb for security, nurture, warmth, protection, formation of parts - limbs and organs to make a whole. So when it is birthed, it is truly the one. No one can mistake it. It is a whole. A child conceived in her mother's womb in not recognisable at about three months. But the DNA is complete, the genes are complete, the sex is complete and so much more. In the Kingdom of God, this child is already known by God like He told Jeremiah when He called him that He knew him even before he was conceived in his mother's womb? Jeremiah 1.

4. Protect your conception. Honour it for it is from God. Respect it. Give thanks to God and magnify Him.